Walt Disney has been influential in children's fashion, because kids love to wear their favorite characters from their favorite movies or tv shows on their t-shirts, backpacks, shoes, sweatshirts... well on everything.
Walt Disney has also become influential in high fashion with creative and surprising partnerships with designers. My favorite is the Givenchy Bambi silk-satin sweatshirt, that is only $1,690! I dream about wearing the Givenchy Bambi sweatshirt (it looks fabulous BTW), and I even surprise myself with the fact that I am craving something Disney in my wardrobe right now.
In addition to Givenchy, many other designers have Cool Collaborations with Disney for adults and for children (see my previous post "Maleficent" By Stella McCartney). I love the Disney trend for little ones more than I love it for myself, but to be honest - I think both Mario and I need some Mickey in our wardrobes this fall.
Photo | UrbanMoms.nl from Little Eleven Paris